1959年3月23日John R. Borchert致Jen-hu Chang(張鏡湖)函
  • 作品圖檔,第1張
  • 作品圖檔,第2張
John R. Borchert教授說明明尼蘇達大學有意擴大自然地理方面的工作,以造福地理專業的學生與研究生。詢問張鏡湖先生是否有興趣考慮擔任助理教授。
Mr. Jen-hu Chang
Experiment Station
Honolulu. Hawaii

Dear Mr. Chang:

  There is a strong probability that the Department of Geography here at the University of Minnesota will be seeking a new staff member for next fall. We will make the appointment at the earliest possible date, and that depends upon the final action on the university budget by our stare legislature now in session.

  The person whom we add should be a physical geographer. He would be given full responsibility for the work in climatology, which now consists of an introductory course followed by an advanced course and a seminar in alternate years. There is need for more work in this field to serve the agriculture, geology, and engineering departments. There are opportunities for research support and generally good support in every way from the university. The program has cried for more time, and I have been able to give it less and less time. In short, there is an opportunity for the right man to take over the work in climatology here and to expand it in any way his interests might lead him.

  There is also the need and opportunity to expand our offerings and work in other aspects of physical geography for the benefit of our substantial body of undergraduate geography majors as well as the graduate students. There is also a need for this man to handle lectures during one or two quarters of the year in the large introductory physical geography course. Consequently it is important that he be interested in lecturing to students at that level.

  We expect to be in a position to make the appointment at the assistant professor level. I believe that we will be able to make the salary competitive and to offer a good opportunity for professional development. As you perhaps know, the department now consists of six staff members. It is well established and widely recognized and utilized both within the university program and in a wide variety of activities in the Twin Cities community. I am writing to inquire whether you would be interested in being considered for the position I have outlined above. Needless to say, your name has been suggested; and we would very much like to learn about you and to answer any and all questions which you might have concerning the situation here. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to visit with you at Pittsburgh. If you plan to attend the meetings would you be kind enough to drop me a note by return mail. I expect to be at the Penn Sheraton Hotel and can be reached by a note in my box there. If you are not going to be able to get to Pittsburgh, I would certainly welcome a letter which would indicate whatever interest you might have in a position at Minnesota and detail whatever you feel that we should know about you. As I said above, I will be most happy to answer any questions which you might have.

Sincerely yours,
John R. Borchert
Professor and Chairman
27.7 X 21.1
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